Monday, February 8, 2010

Hannah's Wire Sketches

Out of all my ideas, I would say that the one I'm most interested in doing is some kind of mask. The sketch I have come up with is just a rough copy/idea. I haven't decided exactly how I want it to look or what other material I will incorporate with it but I am looking forward to experimenting. However, I do know that I want it to be a decorative piece. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know :)

Another idea that I had was to make a watch. It would be fairly large, almost laughable. To make it pop, I would make the numbers come off of the surface with pieces of wire. The pictures will hopefully help you visualize what I mean.


  1. I REALLY like the mask idea, I say you go with that one! How would you attach it to the face? a handle or strap?

  2. I know it's not your first choice, but I actually like the watch idea. If you make the numbers pretty big I think it would look really cool.
    The mask idea could be good if you make it especially extravagant and decorative, like you said.

  3. I really like the mask idea as well. I can picture is really well! Maybe you could bead it to give it some interesting color and texture.. or maybe you could have something coming off of the mask and make it really big, like feathers or wire with something attached at the ends.. Who knows!?

  4. If you did do the watch maybe you could add a Dali or Alice in Wonderland type effect to help it be larger than life.

    Would the mask just be out of wire or would you make it with feathers, etc.? I wonder if there is something that could set it even farther apart from what would normally be seen in mask. Like, is there a unique way it could be worn or different parts of the face to cover? Idk just an idea.

  5. I like the watch better, but it seems like it may be harder. But like you said it would be mroe comical. For the mask i think it would look very cool as well.

  6. I think the mask made of wire would be an amazing idea. there are so many options to choose from. You can make a simple mask, or mardi gras, or phantom of the opera esque mask. I think anything you choose would look really amazing in the end. Personally the mask wrapped around or worn on your face might hurt, but a handle might be the best way. Plus it just looks a little more fancier when you have to hold your mask up with a stick... You can use sequence or some shiny beads to make the mask stand out...

  7. Your mask idea is great and seems like it would be very decorative, but I do like the watch idea better. The watch idea I find to be more original. I think that the idea of you have the numbers come out of the watch is a perfect detail to make your peice stand out.
